Semantic elements are one of the most significant introductions in HTML5. In previous versions of html the
generic < div > tag with id or class attributes where used for structring the web page.
A semantic element has its meaning to browser as well as for the developer. Elements such as < header > , < section >
, < footer > and < aside > are all considered semantic because they describes the purpose of the element
and type of content enclosed between them.
For example, if we had to define header in previous version of HTML.
< div class="header"> ...... < /div>
But in current version of HTML i.e HTML5 the same header can be easily defined in one single tag.
Ex:- < header> ............< /header>
One of the most significant feature of semantic tags is that, when search engine crawls through
the webpages, it provides accurate information to search engine about the content in the webpages.
And the other significant features is that it becomes easy for the developer, while developing the webpage or
websites. Because it easily helps them in identifying the tags.
The takes pleasure in providing you a tool to generate code for semantic elements of HTML5.
The provides you 7 (seven) important semantic tag. which are most commonly used in modern websites.
Using the tool user or developer can create a semantic tag in less than a minute.
The user with no programming knowledge or very little coding knowledge can easily use the tool. As the beginner
tends to use < div> tag while creating a webpage. This tool would encourage user to use different semantic tag to
get maximum benefits of the semantic tags.
HTML Semantic Code Generator
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